See our latest developments Know More
With Sofia Design Studio, you can build and deploy comprehensive CX automations fast, at scale.
Read MoreSimple to use, yet powerful Sofia Analytics allows you to design your custom analytics dashboard in a few clicks.
Read MoreFusing automation with Conversational AI can help in delivering highly contextual communication to the right customers on their preferred platform at the right time.
Read MoreConversational AI's seamless customer interactions can increase your chances to acquire new customers faster for your business.
With Sofia Intelligent Virtual Assistant, you can automate your contact centre operations. You can automate incoming or outgoing calls by suitable integration with your existing contact centre solution.
How it works Read MoreOur platform supports different social media messaging channels including WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Line, etc.
How it works Read MoreYou can have Sofia Intelligent Virtual Assistant technology integrated to your website with just a few lines of JavaScript. Sofia can interact with visitors through voice and text.
How it works Read MoreSofia Platform’s cutting-edge features allow you to build advanced CX automations, faster.
Human conversations are full of twists and turns. CX automations built on Sofia Platform, can effortlessly handle non-linearity in customer interactions.
Almost every other chatbot utters pre-coded responses. But Sofia doesn't !. Sofia’s Deep Natural Language Generation module can generate responses on the fly.
Sofia Platform built CX automations can be deployed on Telephony, Social Media and Web.
Sofia platform supports 30+ languages in both text and voice channels.
Sofia automatically tags and groups intents and events. Sofia Analytics is a simple but yet powerful tool to design your custom analytics dashboard to track KPIs, provide business insights and more.
Sofia SDK and Webhook based integration lets you connect CX automations with existing CRMs, databases, mobile apps and more.
We have a radically different approach to CX automations with Sofia No-Code Platform.
Request demoSofia’s micro-conversation based modelling framework is compact and powerful. With simple drag and drop you can create complex conversational flows. Sofia’s AI engine will do the hard work for you by handling non-linearities in conversations and its deep NLG capabilities.
Sofia’s analytics dashboard is a convenient tool for you to build the analytics dashboard according to your needs. Simply define the collection of tags you want to analyse and then add a widget type.
Get further information by contacting our Sales professionals.
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